✨ Autumn Transformation ✨

starts October 2nd, 2024

Autumn Transformation: A Month of Healing Support
Sale Price:$333.00 Original Price:$385.00

Join us for this month-long group series to help you navigate and transform your current challenges with greater ease, clarity, and inspiration. This experience is for you if you are ready to release stuck emotions, old patterns and outdated programming in order to expand into a more powerful, authentic and loving version of yourself. 

By releasing what is ready to go and trusting the process, we can transform ourselves and build a new reality from the inside out.

This experience includes three in-person sessions within a small group of those who are ready to shift their trajectories and move forward with more confidence, power and grace.

We will meet on Wednesdays from 3-5pm

October 2nd, October 16th, and October 30th

Sessions will take place at Kirsten’s healing space in Downtown Davis.

Our sessions will include guided self-inquiry, group sharing, reflection exercises, and EFT (aka Emotional Freedom Technique) within a supportive community. These tools will help you move through fear and uncertainty with more ease and efficiency, aligning yourself with the highest possibilities for your life at this time.

This is limited to 6 participants, so early registration is recommended.

Investment: $333 before September 25th, $385 after

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If interested in joining a future group tapping experience, leave a message below to be the first to know about upcoming opportunities.

What is Meridian Tapping?

Meridian Tapping, also known as “EFT” (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a clinically proven method that clears energy blockages stored in your body caused by trauma or negative experiences. By literally tapping on meridian points (as used in acupuncture) in conjunction with affirmations, you will begin to release stored blockages, fears, old thought patterns, and limiting beliefs. This powerful technique can be applied to any physical or emotional issue in your life as a way of releasing the past and creating new and exciting possibilities for your life.

"Introduction to Meridian Tapping" Workshop, Whole Earth Festival, Davis, CA

If interested in bringing tapping to your organization or community please contact Kirsten@kirstenelise.com

Tapping into Your Soul's Purpose workshop at Once Upon a Festival, Stonyford, CA June, 2015  Read more here....

Tapping into Your Soul's Purpose workshop at Once Upon a Festival, Stonyford, CA June, 2015  Read more here....